We also took Daniel for a haircut yesterday. The poor boy had a rough day yesterday and we just added to it by making him get this haircut! Here is what his hair looked like before (this was our hair style each time we woke up):
After 20 minutes of crying, fussing, screaming, sniffling, and bribing him to sit still...here is what his haircut looks like:Now, towards the end of his haircut, he sat up from leaning on me (I held him through the whole ordeal) and I was shocked when I looked at him. HIs hair has turned redder by the day and the expression on his face plus the haircut made him look exactly like my younger brothers! I have thought that repeatedly since. All four of my younger brothers have red hair and the expressions on Daniel's face and his face shape just look a lot like them! Chris looks a TON like Greg and I have thought that a lot about Daniel but just the other day it hit me that he looks a lot like my family as well...the haircut did it! :) I am loving his haircut and Chris is excited because it looks a lot like his! Here's another picture with his new haircut!
Now, this next picture was inspired by a picture that my mom took of my brother John when he was little! I have tried to get one of these pictures many times from the other angle but every time he sees the camera through his legs he falls over so this will have to do I guess! This is one of his favorite things to do when he is getting tired...he gets silly and he stands on his head!
Thanks for stopping by! More later on!