Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What Have I Been Doing??????

Oh my goodness!!!! So I have thought several times about updating our blog and I have even logged in a couple of times but then have drawn a blank as to what to write! Well, here I am...almost a month after my last post and I still am not sure what to write! :) So we'll see what happens!

We can't find the cord to the camera again so pictures are a no go until we find it! :) We even have lots of pictures of our now finished basement, the boys playing around, etc. So once we find the cord I will upload those!

What else is going on? Well, the same old, same old. We leave in less than a month for Florida where we will visit Greg's grandma and DisneyWorld. We will actually be at DisneyWorld on Chris's actual birthday which he is very excited about!

School is going just fine although there seems to be a small outbreak of sickness going around. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I can stay above it...I'm not feeling the best at the moment but I don't think it's anything a good night's sleep won't fix!

We are thoroughly enjoying the extra space we now have in the basement where the boys can be playing at one end and Greg and I can be watching a movie or playing video games, etc at the other end. Or feeling ok about letting the boys play downstairs knowing there isn't anything dangerous they can get into!

The boys have officially moved into the same room and Chris LOVES being on the top bunk. Daniel is just thrilled to be sharing a room with his adored big brother and having a big boy bed with big boy sheets! The best part is that we now have a room free for the sweet baby girl that will be joining us soon. Greg even surprised me one weekend while I was in St. Louis scrapbooking with fresh paint, etc. in the nursery! He really worked hard and the room now is pink and cream, the crib is set up, the curtains are hung and the changing table dresser is now upstairs back in that room! :) It's very exciting!

Well, there is more to told I'm sure but I don't want to make this post too long! I will update more soon (I promise it will be A LOT sooner than this post was!).

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

Yay!! I was so happy to see an update...I didn't talk to you tonite, so I wasn't sure if you were feeling any better or not...I spent the night at mom and dad's house trying to get their new dvd/vcr thingy to work...no luck.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow....hehe I kind of feel like I should have emailed you this instead of putting it on your blog, but hey, I'm done now, so there. :-)