Tuesday, January 13, 2009

9 Month Check-up

Kate had her 9 month check-up today and she looks great! :) She weighs 21 lbs. 9 oz and is 28 1/2 inches tall! :)

The good news is that the soy formula we have started her on has helped to really clear up her asthma symptoms that she had going on...she does still have wheezing though so she still has to be on her nebulizer.

The bad news...she has fluid on her ears and the doctor thinks she could develop another ear infection in a matter of days...this being who knows how many since October. She wants to give her a month on the soy formula to see if it's making a big difference but if she continues to have fluid in her ears then she will more than likely need tubes. Stinky...

Other than that, she is growing like a weed is doing great! :) She still isn't really crawling but she's figuring out how to get around by going backwards, she curious about everything and man oh man...we are really going to have to baby proof the house for her! :)

That's the check-up update on Kate! Hope you've had a great day!


Diane Melvin said...

Another little girl I know had to be put on soy milk just this week. How weird is that?!? Glad Kate is doing well. Lydia had figured how to get around by doing the log roll so I thought she would never crawl. Then at 6 months she just starting going. At 9 months she was walking and I was NOT ready for it.

Savage Family said...

It's good to read about your family! You have 3 kids now? How wonderful!