Thursday, January 22, 2009

On a more positive note...

Today Chris brought home a facts sheet from school that he has to do for homework tonight. This is a first for him...and one he is quite proud of! :) He told me that he also brought home a new AR book and he would love to read it to me! How sweet and how big he is getting!

Daniel was thrilled to see the President on the TV on Tuesday! :) He's still talking about how he "saw the President on the TB!" Way too cute!

And Ms. Kate...well...she is all over creation these days! :) I also am getting better at fixing her hair on the mornings she's up and ready to go before I leave for school!

So matter what happens during the matter what happens at school, after school, family is my positive. I was so cranky last night I had a hard time remembering that....I won't let that happen again!

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

Oh good!!! I'm glad things are better tonight! Don't forget your other positive, your friends that POSITIVELY love you!!!! (and support you through all the rough times, no matter what.....)

:-) me