Saturday, September 12, 2009

So Frustrated...

This is purely a venting post...and one about poop...just so you are warned before you start reading! :)

So 3 weeks ago we got a phone call from Daniel's preschool saying that his stomach was really hurting him and that we needed to come pick him up due to bouts of diarrhea...ok...understandable and so we picked him up and he was fine for the rest of the day. Went back to school the next day feeling just fine! :) However, we started noticing that he was having off and on diarrhea for the next potty visit would be perfectly normal but the next one would be runny...

Fast forward to the following Thursday...I get a phone call from his preschool again (exactly same time as the previous week mind you!) saying that he had tummy pains again and was having diarrhea AGAIN! So I went to go pick him up and his teacher asked if we had ever noticed a milk allergy because they had had cereal both Thursdays with a LOT of milk...more than what he normally drinks during a normal school day. We made an appointment with his pediatrician and took him in that afternoon...she thought a milk allergy was possible due to the pattern and the fact that he has never been a huge milk drinker. Since there were no other symptoms like a fever or decreased appetite or anything AT ALL she suggested we take him off of milk and see what happens...sounds like a plan! :)

We also made an appointment for him at our allergist (who we know very well due to Kate and Chris's allergies!) who tested him for food allergies and sure enough...milk popped up as something he was sensitive to so he also suggested we take him off all milk...good deal...we could do that!

HOWEVER...I'm not so sure that's what's up....

He has been off of milk for a week and a half now...he is still having horrible pains right before he has to go take care of doesn't matter if it is diarrhea that follows or a normal #2...he is having horrible pains right before he goes...pain that woke him up from his nap at preschool yesterday and prompted another phone call from the school. That time I didn't need to go pick him up since it had just been one occurance but still...poor kid was woken from a sound sleep with this pain!

This morning it happened has been happening EVERY morning and then usually sometime in the afternoon or evening as well!

And to top it all off the poor boy was in tears this morning because all he wanted was milk on his cereal...he hates rice milk and soy milk...took me 15 minutes to console him!!! PLUS he was going on about how he couldn't have "normal" ice cream like all of his friends and his brother which brought on a new bout of tears this morning...even though he liked the soy ice cream we gave him last night...he just wants to be like his friends and his brother was all he kept saying....

My heart is breaking because I don't know what's wrong....he seems perfectly fine unless he needs to take care of #2...we have cut him off from milk which he was just growing to love and is really wanting and yet it's not's not fixing anything for him....

I have seriously debated on posting this but I'm just sad for him and frustrated to death that I don't know what is going on. SO FRUSTRATED!!!!! I just keep telling myself that all will be well...maybe it's a virus that just needs to run its course (even though he has no other odd symptoms) or maybe it's still just the milk and his body needs time to still adjust or maybe it's something completely different that will just go away....but then a huge part of me is so fearful that it's something we aren't catching....something that I should do something about. So until we figure it out all I can do is snuggle my little man when he hurts and play and laugh with him the rest of the day! :) Thank God he is such a happy little man! :)

Until next time...

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

:( I'm so sorry this is happening, I wish there was something I could do!! Darn darn darn!!! :( Hang in there mama, dada and Daniel, hopefully soon the solution will be found!!