Friday, November 12, 2010

Stop the Coloring!!!!

Oh my goodness!!!! Kate has become a coloring fiend!!!!

This would not be a problem except for the fact that she is coloring on EVERYTHING!!!!

A week or two ago, she found glue paints and colored all over her best buddy's baby it was coloring with diaper cream all over the furniture in her bedroom...this afternoon it was red dry erase marker all over the wall in the basement (with a little blue crayon thrown in!) and also tonight was pen in her brother's brand new book. AAAAAAARRRRRGH!!!!

When I talked to her about coloring in her brother's brand new book tonight, I asked her what we had talked about earlier when she colored on the walls...her response: "We color on paper."

I asked her what she had done that was not ok and she told me: "I colored on paper." Hmmmm...girl has a I had to clarify my earlier "coloring on paper only" to "coloring on paper that mommy and daddy give you only...and you have to ask first....NO BOOKS!"

Lordy...some day I will look back on this and giggle...I'm sure. But tonight...not funny at all....

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