Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Drum Roll Please!

All right. So many of you already know this news so you can go ahead and skip this post if you want! :)

For those of you who don't know, we had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday. It was routine and we heard the baby's heartbeat (a good, strong 153), saw the little arms and legs, saw everything we needed to see. It was fantastic!

We also were able to find out what our new little addition is!!!!! If you don't want to is the time to stop reading. If you do.....

We are having a baby GIRL!!!!! The technician said she had done an ultrasound in the morning where she was 85% sure that she was having another little girl and I asked her how sure she was for us and she told me that she was more sure of mine than the one this morning! :)

Chris is ECSTATIC! He has been confident all along that this one was a girl and he sure was right! He is already talking about what he wants to do with his baby sister and how we should decorate her room, etc. It's really sweet. Daniel thinks it's cool when you ask him, but of course since he has just turned two he doesn't really get it yet. He will come April but until then we will just keep working on it and what happens, happens!

Greg and I are still in some shock...but very excited, can't wait for April kind of shock. I was absolutely positive it was a boy...who would have thought...the four year more right than the mommy. I guess crazy things do happen! :)

We do have pictures and I will post them later on along with pictures of Daniel's birthday party! It's hard to believe that he is now TWO!


On another note, I hope that you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are all ready for Christmas to come! If you are traveling, please be safe. Enjoy your family, friends, food and laughter. I know we will! :)

From our family to everyone out there....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting-a girl! Have you bought anything pink yet? :)