Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Update with Pictures...

Hello everyone! Last week we had a great snowstorm that left us with several inches of snow. The boys LOVED going out and playing in it (which we did as soon as we got home!)

Chris loves shoveling snow! :) Here he is working on our driveway AGAIN!
Then as everyone knows we had an ice storm the last couple of days. So much ice that we didn't have school yesterday and we didn't have it again today. I did venture outside today to hang out with great friends...other than that I have only stepped foot outside to take a couple of pictures. Here are some pics of what the ice storm left behind:
The birch tree in our usually stands straight...poor thing!

Now tonight the boys took their baths and got ready for bed at their usual times since we will have school tomorrow. Some of you know how odd Daniel can be about certain things such as his shoes and his jackets and we have added beds to that mix! We are going to be moving him into Chris's room after Christmas so that we can get the nursery ready for the new baby coming in April. Greg and I have tried several times to get him to sleep in Chris's bottom bed (he has s set of bunk beds) but he absolutely refuses because they are Chris's sheets!!!! Are you kidding ME???? This is the same problem that we have with his shoes and jackets.
Anyway, tonight I told him to go into Chris's room and give him hugs and kisses (unknown to me Chris was not in his room at that moment...he was hunting down his dad!). Anyway, I went into Chris's room to find Daniel snuggled all nice and warm in Chris's bed!!!! Chris climbed in next to him and gave Daniel hugs and kisses. I tried taking Daniel from his bed and he refused!!!! So this is how I left them for their bedtime tonight:
This is what I found about 20 minutes later...Chris was completely out and Daniel was well on his way. This made me realize that no matter how rough the day boys will always make me smile!

1 comment:

jayne said...

That picture of them together is priceless!