Friday, April 17, 2009

A Beautiful Friday Afternoon...

I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this is beautiful outside...a nice, breezy 75 degrees with such a full, bright sun...hard to believe that earlier this week is was so COLD! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that that kind of weather is gone...I'm not a fan of summer (too hot for me!) but I was SICK and TIRED of winter! :)

Well, we are down to one week until Kate's surgery. Greg talked to the hospital today and she can't have anything to eat and drink after midnight Thursday night (which we already knew) BUT what we found out and that I didn't know was that they wouldn't let her go until she was drinking and had had a wet diaper afterwards...which with this girl could take a while! :) But all in all the whole procedure should take less than 30 minutes and we should have her back....I'm a nervous wreck about it but these kinds of things are done everyday and she will be fine...I just keep telling myself that! :)

Chris has started on his allergy shots this past week and is doing really well on them...he has four levels of shots to go through. The first round (the green round) has 3 shots and they are a VERY low dose of what he is allergic to...he got these three out of the way on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday...brave man that he is! Next week we get to start on the blue round which consists of 5 shots...he can go through these as quickly as he wants as well so we will see what he is up for and how he reacts to them. The yellow round also has 5 shots but these shots need to be spaced out to be given each week...and the red round is his maintenance round...these will start out at once a week and hopefully if he does well with that then he can move eventually (like MONTHS down the road) to having these every other week and MONTHS after that he might be able to move to every three weeks...but we are looking WAY down the road for that to happen...possibly a couple of years....

BUT the light at the end of the tunnel is that by exposing him like this to his allergens that he will be able to be outside or inside and not have the constant runny nose and no asthma problems! :) We are keeping our fingers crossed for that one!

Daniel is getting a special treat this week...we are headed up to Des Moines tomorrow morning to spend some time with the grandparents and Daniel gets to stay up there until Thursday! By himself!!!!! :) He is very excited about this one on one time with Grandma and Grandad although I have to admit that I'm really going to miss him next week!!!! But I know he is going to have a blast and I know I will talk to him daily...I'm just going to miss his sweet little smile and his cuddles! :) Gotta stock up on them now! :)

Other than all of that things are going....

I wrote in the previous post that things haven't felt quite normal lately and I think that all of this allergy/asthma stuff along with Kate's surgery, etc. just has me out of sorts and out of whack with a lot of things....I know all will settle back down but still....I just don't know how to put it into words because nothing is really wrong....just off....

On a different note there are only 25 school days left...this is sad but happy all at the same time for many different reasons...I can't wait to have the time with my kids where we can stay up late, sleep in late, take our time getting places and just enjoy being around each other without having to be somewhere constantly....a time to relax....can't wait!

Well, hope you are having a great day and we will be back later on!

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