Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh what a weekend...

So Kate's surgery Friday to have tubes put in her ears and have her adenoids taken out went just fine! We got to the hospital at about 6:20 in the morning and were taken back to outpatient surgery at about 7:00...there we waited and talked with a nurse (who was FANTASTIC!!!!), the anesthesiologist, and then the ENT. At around 8:35 they came back to get Kate (who had previously been give some tylenol with some IV drug to keep her calm and relaxed) and whisked her away...leaving Greg and I to sit and wait for her to return. It was a very long wait!

Well around 9:25, the ENT came by to tell us all had gone well but that Kate had had an ear infection in one ear (despite being on antibiotics for 8 days before the surgery) but that all had gone well and she would be back out soon!

Around 9:45 two nurses came back with my sweet little girl who was still very groggy and had an IV (which she hated!!!!)...we quickly got the IV taken out, gave her some milk to drink in her sippy cup and gave her some Jello that the wonderful nurse brought us...

Overall a very quick procedure...we were home by about 10:30...

She's been doing well...cranky here and there and she only took one 20 minute nap yesterday BUT she was in bed around 8 and slept most of the night...

She woke up this morning and currently has developed thrush...fantastic. Poor girl can't catch a break! But thankfully we now have medicine to treat it and hopefully it will clear up soon!

I'm hoping and praying that the tubes and the lack of adenoids help take care of all of her issues with ear infections and breathing problems, etc...

So there you have it! :) It is over and done with and hopefully we are on the full road to recovery! :)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I'm glad you got her some medicine for the thrush. It is a painful experience if left too long. Just ask me how I know!