Thursday, June 18, 2009

Favorite Summer Things...Wading Pools

I don't have pictures to go along with this post but I must mention one of my family's favorite things here in Kirksville in the summer. It would be the wading pools! :)

Kirksville has several of these small pools that are absolutely free to go to and this year they are starting to fill them at about 2 and then emptying them at 6....perfect time for a swim! :) The kids love them and they can go have a blast getting as wet as they want while I sit myself under the trees in the shade and talk with my friends! Love it! :) Kate is not a fan yet but I'm sure it won't be long before she is in there with her brothers splashing around, etc. The best part? There isn't a pool for me to dump or a muddy mess in my yard!

We were at the wading pool today for THREE HOURS and the kids had TONS of fun as did I! I got to sit and talk with friends while my kids went and played....fantastic!

Now that we have finally been once I'm sure the kids will be asking on a daily basis if we can go back!

Until next time....

1 comment:

Missy said...

I can't wait till we can join you!!!