Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Little Author!

So Chris has been very excited to learn how to read and write since he has started kindergarten. While at the book fair at his school several weeks ago he caught sight of these "build-your-own-book" kits that they were selling. I told him if he wanted one he could buy it with his own money and so sure enough...that's exactly what he did! This kit came with this little book, a marker, glue, googly eyes, paper, foam shapes...everything you could possibly want to make your own book! :)

Well, tonight Chris was on a mission. He has been debating for a while what to do with this kit and has actually written several "stories" in the last couple of weeks. Tonight out of the blue, he declared that he was ready to write his book and then off he went. A man on a mission! :)

This is what we have as a result. He told me after I took the pictures and started uploading them that it is not quite done and he has some other things to do to it....he then told me I could post it anyway because he thought that people would like to see it! :) So here it is! Chris's first book (he actually told me that it is two books in one!). Enjoy!

(The silly book)

My little man...the author! :)

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Chris!! I am so impressed with what you have learned already in school, you are so smart!! Keep up the hard work, maybe someday you'll write books like Dr. Seuss, he loves to rhyme too!!

XOXOXOXO, Cole Connah :-)