Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My poor little girl...

Poor Kate is sick. Her first big sickness...

What started off as simple teething turned into a cold which caused her ear infection (which she is currently taking antibiotics for) has now triggered this viral bronchialitis something or other...I don't know if that is even the right word...Greg said it was something with bronch- and itis....some random combination. What makes me nervous is that this is how Chris's whole thing started which then led to his asthma...but I'm not going to worry about it and just snuggle my baby and try and make it better for her...

Poor thing is coughing a lot, having trouble sleeping (although she has just taken a good 2 1/2 hour nap!!!!!) and is just kind of cranky! :( Poor little lady just wants to be held and there isn't anything we can do for medicine to make her more comfy...just her humidifier, Little Noses and our love! :) The snuggling seem to make her relax and feel the best! :)

Just wanted to update everyone on how she was doing...and to let those out of town know that she wasn't feeling well...please keep your fingers crossed that it gets better!

I'll post some pictures later tonight!

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