Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So Kate does indeed have allergies...thankfully there are only 2 (and sort of a third!)!

She is very allergic to dogs...bummer considering we have TWO of them. Chris is also allergic to them but not as bad as she appears to be...so we are going to have to find a new home for at least one of our puppies and it breaks my heart....I don't know that there is any other option.

The doctor also tested her for a milk allergy and she does indeed have that allergy as well! :) Thankfully we figured that one out a while ago and she's been on soy milk, etc. for a quite a while!

The sort of third allergy happens to be quite ironic...she has a small allergy to SOY!!!! But thankfully, the doctor said that if she doesn't seem to be affected by it then we should just leave it be and go with it...thank goodness!!!! She likes her soy milk and we would LOVE to keep it that way! :)

So that is what is going on with Kate....

Now I'm off to change to go for my workout...wish me luck because I may need it!!!! Although I'm ready to get my rear in shape!!!! :)

Until next time....

1 comment:

Diane Melvin said...

I'm glad that you got it all figured out. Hope you are able to find a good home for your dog.