Sunday, March 29, 2009

What We've Been Up To! :)

So what have we been up to lately? Here is a quick recap....

*Kate took her first step the other day! I was home in the afternoon with Chris and she turned and took a step away from the couch! :) She's done it one or two other times and other than that...nothing on the walking front! She's one of those kids though that won't do it until she knows she can do it all the way! :)

*Daniel is pretty much cruising along doing what he always does! He has had a little bit of a three year old attitude lately and it is honestly starting to drive me a little batty! :) But he seems to be slowly snapping out of it!

*Chris has been sick. There really is not much else to say about the poor boy lately...he did get a fantastic report card so we are very proud of that!!!! :) Other than that he has been feeling pretty down in the dumps. He seemed to be doing MUCH better last night...running around and playing, etc. (with only minor fits of coughing) but today seems to be exhausted again...not much of an appetite and a runny nose that is about to do him in apparently! :) I really don't know what is wrong with him...I wouldn't worry about the nose or the coughing (since we have those under control)'s the lack of energy (except for last night!) and the lack of appetite that really has me worried...

*SNOW....we had quite a bit of snow here yesterday...not what we were looking for at the end of March but it is what it is! Luckily it held off until we got home from Math Contest yesterday (which the kiddos did an amazing job at!!!!!!)....I honestly couldn't tell you exactly how much snow we got since it has been blowing and now it's melting! It was enough to make driving a little hazardous...

*There are only 38 days of school left! :) I can't wait for summer this year...Kate is old enough that I can take her outside and let her play while I watch her brothers ride bikes and play with chalk, etc.!!!! She will also be able to go to the wading pool and do more than lay in her car seat or on a blanket! :) The boys are VERY excited for warm weather and the chance to go play outside! :)

Other than that I think things are pretty much the same around here. We are working hard to keep the house in some sort of order while attempting to keep the kids healthy (although we haven't been so successful at that lately!). I have some new pictures that I will get posted a little later on!

Have a good one!

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