Monday, October 13, 2008

My children and sweets!

So tonight after dinner, we offered the boys each a cookie...Chris took one without hesitation (of course he's been eating us out of house and home lately...but more about that later!).

Daniel on the other hand said "No thank you!" I was shocked...but then he asked for some Cheez-its which he had already had quite a few of. When I offered him a piece of candy he again told me no thank you and asked for some more Cheez-its....seriously??? What kids turns down sweets?

But that seems to be a phase my boys go through...Chris went through it big time when he was younger...wouldn't eat cake or cupcakes, cookies, ice cream...nothing! He would always want something else...usually something like fruit or crackers. Interesting, huh?

On the subject of eating...Chris has been an eating fiend lately! I'm really afraid for his teenage years! Last night for dinner, Chris ate a corndog, some ritz crackers, some oranges and a glass of milk. Once that was all gone he declared he was still hungry and asked if he could have some bologna and cheese? Well, this sometimes happens and so Greg gave him one piece of bologna and one piece of cheese. This was polished off in no time with Chris begging for more so in an effort to slow down the eating, we gave him another glass of milk. After that was gone, he asked for another piece of bologna and cheese which was gone in a matter of seconds along with another glass of milk....seriously??? The child is almost at the point where he can eat his weight in food!!!! I guess I have a growing boy on my hands!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Diane Melvin said...

Lydia has those times as well where she will eat like a horse. Other times she'll hardly eat or drink anything. Hopefully she'll be like Daniel and Chris and avoid the sweets. I can only hope. So far it doesn't look good.