Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So here are quite a few pictures....Enjoy!

We went to a pumpkin patch just north of La Plata...the kids had a blast! There is a corn maze, a hay maze for little kids, a bounce house, a hay pile for the kids to jump in and lots of room to run around!!!! Here is a picture of the stray pile that the kids thought was fantastic!!!!
We also had the chance to go on a hay ride!
Then it was back to the hay pile!!!!
It took Daniel quite a while to warm up to the thought of playing in the hay but once he did it was tough to get him to leave!
Our church group then had a bonfire and we made hot dogs and s'mores!!!! Yummy! The boys thought it was pretty neat to cook their food over the embers!
Daniel LOVED the pumpkins!!!!!
My boys!
My three kiddos...I think they were watching one of the Baby Einstein videos...but they all decided to snuggle up and watch something together (the boys decided for Kate) and I couldn't resist getting a picture!
Chris snuggling Kate....
Last night Kate was laying on the floor and Daniel decided that she was cold! So he covered her up....then decided he was cold so he crawled in with her! :) What a sight it was!
Kate thought it was great! :) One of the few smiles we got out of her last night! Poor thing!
Until next time....have a good one! :)

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

Yay, love the pictures!!! The one of Daniel and Kate in the blanket is toooooo cute!!!