Friday, October 10, 2008

Piggy Banks are Safe Places!!!!

When in St. Louis last weekend, I picked both boys up a fuzzy poster in the Dollar Spot at Target...fantastic! Well, both of these posters came with tiny markers to color on them with! These markers have become a favorite of Daniel's. He carries them around everywhere and the funniest part of this is what Daniel does with them when he has to leave or when it's bedtime....he places them where he thinks they would be his piggy bank! He has a toy piggy bank with plastic coins and this is where he has decided all of his small items need to go to stay safe! :)

So tonight before getting ready for bed, I asked Daniel if I could take the markers from him and put them away and he told me "No! In my piggy bank!" So down the hall he marched and placed his markers carefully in his play piggy bank. Too cute!

Hope you had a good one!

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