Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh To Be Young...

Daniel has hit the phase that I now envy....

The ability to be put into bed at bedtime (8:00) and then do everything and anything in his power to NOT fall asleep any earlier than 9:45. THEN be able to wake up at 6:45 (most of the time completely on his own!) and be as wide awake as can be, happy and ready to face the day. He can manage to eat breakfast, get dressed and be ready to go to the babysitters in no time flat!

I figure if I were in this phase now...I could be put into bed at around everything in my power to stay awake...maybe read the book I've been trying to finish for MONTHS or grade some of the many papers that are quickly piling up and not be actually asleep until around 11:45. THEN I could wake up around 6:10 and be as wide awake as I can be and be completely ready to face the day rather than the current wake up around 6:20, grumpy because I need another 30 minutes at least, and then rush around to get everyone ready and out the door when they need to be out the door!

How I wish I were young again...if for nothing else but the energy and the innocence of youth! :) Although since I'm not young again...I'm hoping this phase passes soon for Daniel...for my sake! :)

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