Friday, October 24, 2008

The Sweetest Thing...

Sometimes the sweetest things happen in the blink of an eye...

Just now Chris and Daniel were playing in their room with cars and little skateboards and who knows what else! :) But Chris came out in tears because he had hit his back pretty hard on something (more than likely the corner of Daniel's bed!)...anyway, Daniel followed close behind with the most concerned look on his face. Once I had calmed Chris down, Daniel put his arm around him, gave him a kiss and told him "Come on and be otay!" and led Chris down the hallway...melted my heart!!!!!

And just as I was typing this Daniel came bounding out of his room and came to tell me that "Chris doing betta!" in the best whisper he could manage! :)

So sweet and cute! Just when I think they want to kill each other these small moments pop up....just so wonderful!!!!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

Awwww, so sweet!! :-) He is a very observant boy!