Saturday, May 31, 2008
Ahhh...85 degree weather....
Anyway, all those plans being put astray we decided to try and do what we could to enjoy the beautiful day. We went to for those of you who may be giggling at me at the moment I would like to clarify one thing...there is no place better to be in Kirksville, MO on a Saturday afternoon with three kiddos and your husband than Walmart. That's all I have to say about that (completely just kidding about that!)! So after our wonderful little jaunt to Wally World (which drove me crazy!) we came home and spent the rest of the afternoon outside. The boys played on their swing set, I blew up the pool and put some water in it, Greg and I worked on cleaning up the patio and stuff and the boys are now on their way outside to enjoy some water fun....FINALLY!
Now, I have to admit that a trip to St. Louis to see Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Becky, Uncle John and everyone else would have been more fun than our trip to Walmart, etc. and a trip to Columbia to shop would have made my day. I'm really bummed that we ended up staying at the house but at least the weather was nice and the boys had fun anyway! :)
PS - Can I just say that yes...I'm a nerd...a dork...or whatever could be worse than that...because I'm going to NKOTB baby! :) Ahhh...childhood memories!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
These Titles Stress Me Out!
Anyway, today was a pretty calm day at our house...THANK GOODNESS! The kiddos slept in until 8 or after, we ate breakfast, lounged around, went out for lunch, took naps (I watched Lost), I cleaned quite a bit, we ate dinner, and then Chris had his first T-ball game of the season (Tuesday's game was rained out). Good day for all! Everyone was in a good mood and everyone got along (I guess I should knock on the biggest piece of wood I can find!)!
Ms. Kate went through 3 outfits today! :( Every so often she really has moments where what she ate really doesn't sit well with her and today was one of those days...poor thing! But here is a pic of her just relaxing on her boppy which she loves!
I also have some pretty cute pictures of him in different silly poses. He has a hard time standing still on the field and actually paying attention to the ball but who doesn't when they are five and are playing T-ball! :) He also declared that he LOVES T-ball and he now thinks he might like it better than soccer! Crazy little man! :) Just can't make up his mind!
Today was such a great day...I can only hope that every day from now until the end of summer is this way...however, I know that that won't be the case! I will take what I can when I can! :)
I hope everyone had a great day and that your evening is just as good! :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
This is summer!!!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Beginning of Summer...
Me...not so much. Don't get me wrong...I'm THRILLED that he is home for the next week and a half before he starts summer school and then he will be home for the rest of the summer. But I'm bummed because he is no longer a preschooler....he is now technically a kindergartener! :( For me, this is a sad but proud moment. I know many will giggle at me for being so silly about this moment but that's ok...I will giggle at myself soon I'm sure! :) But it is a bittersweet moment. I've heard that once they hit kindergarten time flies by and I'm not ready for anything to fly by. I would love to keep my little man this little (preferably without the attitude or whining!) but I know it's just not going to happen.
So congrats to all of the kiddos out there who have finished this school year and I hope you all enjoy your summers!!!! I know I will!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
5 1/2 weeks....
In the last 5 1/2 weeks:
* I have gone from being a mommy to 2 boys to a mommy to 2 boys and a little girl - three at the moment is proving to be tough!
* Kate is now fitting into most of her 0-3 month clothes and I can't believe how big she's getting - it's going by so fast!
* Chris has only 2 days left of preschool and in a week and a half he will start kindergarten summer school - speaking of going by so fast! :( When did my baby grow up?
* Daniel can now recognize most of his letters and has become such a mommy's helper and a mommy's boy!
* Greg and I have had to adjust our together time to include being up until midnight most nights, crashing as soon as Kate does and then getting up the next day to do it all again! :) We have also had to become better at communicating so that we know where everyone is and what they are doing at all times!
* I have come to realize that staying at home is WAY harder than it looks and that I really may not be cut out for it! I really admire everyone who does and have such respect for them and I REALLY admire my mom for doing it with 6 of us!!!! I am enjoying all of this time I am getting with Daniel and Kate and Chris (when he gets home from school) and I cherish every moment that I get with them but I am definitely becoming very stir crazy although the beautiful spring weather is helping because we can get outside easier now (especially with Kate getting older).
* The previous realization has made me feel slightly guilty that I'm not wanting to stay home, however, I know myself well enough to know that it is not for much as I may wish it to be or dream that it could just isn't. I have to be doing things...I need to be in contact with my peers, etc. It's just a need that I have that needs to be filled.
* I have mastered the art of folding and putting away the kids laundry but conveniently enough the day doesn't contain enough hours to fold and put away my laundry or Greg's!
* I have discovered a fantastic new show that Daniel absolutely ADORES! It's called WordWorld and it's one of the few shows these days that both Daniel and Chris can agree on! :)
In the last 5 1/2 weeks the greatest realization I have come to is that the most important things in life (family and friends) are the things that you should worry about the most and everything else will either take care of itself or can wait a little longer to be taken care of!
Thank you to all of my friends and family who have helped since Kate has joined us. Thank you for all of the big things and little things: the phone calls, the emails, the coming to see us, the constant support, suggestions and love that you send us all of the time mean the world to us!
Ok...I'm doing being so stinkin' hormonal I think! Thanks for stopping by and there will be more to come later!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Enjoying Outside and the Beautiful Weather!
Kate is still doing well...she is still sleeping through the night and is just getting bigger and cuter by the day! :) She and Daniel and Chris are really forming quite the bond right now...if she is fussy, they can come over and start talking to her and she will stop to listen to their voices most of the time (depends on how dire she feels her situation is!). She is finally fitting into her clothes so the problem of finding things that won't fall of her is finally coming to an end! Plus with the warmer weather she has more things she can wear and she's been enjoying the outside just like her brothers!
More to come later on! Have a great day!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Weekend Project
After all of that, they got the beam attached to the A frames and we were well on our way to having it completely finished! After several other smaller snafus, the swing set was finally done much to the kids excitement (if we heard "When will it be done?" once today we heard it 100 other times!)! :)
Well, within the first five minutes of being able to use it, Chris got a splinter (despite all of my sanding!)...
Swing Set - 1
Chris - 0
After much screaming and crying "I just can't take it anymore!" we removed the splinter, applied medicine and a bandaid and off he went. Fastforward about 15-20 minutes and I hear Chris screaming from outside. I set Kate down and went to the sliding door to find Chris being carried by Greg and crying about his head. Come to find out that the poor boy had slid off a swing and fell face first onto the ground....
Swing Set - 2
Chris - 0
Poor kid had a rough night with his new swing set....but thankfully he didn't give up on it. After recovering from his ordeals he went right back outside to play.
Daniel had a blast just going down the slide, over and over and over. However, we need to get him to learn that there is another way to get to the slide....he likes to go between the two swings....perhaps he just likes to live life on the edge...I'm not sure. I did try to get him to go around the other way but he just refuses to change his path...maybe it will take actually getting bumped over for him to change...who knows!
Anyway, the swing set is a big hit! Despite how sore we all may be tomorrow, we can rest assured that what was made will be cherished for a very long time! :)
Have a great night!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Yeah for spring!
Oh! And that peace that was existing in my house last night??? Still here! There was one minor disagreement this morning but both boys managed to stay calm and figure it out! AMAZING! In fact, last night they both wanted to sleep on the floor of their room on the same sleeping bag. This was something new for both of them. They are fine sharing a room but have never actually wanted to sleep in close proximity to each other (besides when they had to in Florida) so this was the scene in their bedroom last night...made my heart just sing!
Now they are awake in this picture but when I went in later they were OUT! :) I meant to take a picture of them actually sleeping because they didn't move too far from this position but I forgot and I was waiting until I was sure they weren't going to wake up from the flash or anything! They are in their room currently napping in these exact same spots and they have actually been helping each other out today! So maybe this is just one of said it so we are going to prove you COMPLETELY wrong kind of situations...whatever it is...I'll take it!
Here is my sweet little girl's quite warm here today so I broke out the shorts for her! Chris and Daniel also insisted that she wear something girly in her hair. Daniel was really pulling for a barrette and Chris really didn't care what it was as long as it was "girly." The only thing that will work at this point in the game are the cute little headbands and I think she looks quite adorable if I do say so myself!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Aahhhh...peace does exist!!!!
Some days we escape to a friend's house (thanks by the way!!!) and peace exists there...I'm not quite sure how she does it ! :) Because no matter how things go, I still am living in a house of craziness! I'm starting to wonder if my house is sitting on some sacred ground and this is our punishment! :) I'm just joking, but I seriously wonder why this is!
There are days that Daniel has decided that he isn't going to do anything that I ask (and of course he gives THE GRIN before he does it or doesn't do it as the case may be!) and there are days that all Chris seems to do is whine! :) No matter what words I use to reason with them and no matter how many can still be crazy.
Right at this moment however, the boys are playing happily in the other room (together!) and Kate is curled up on the couch right next to me and Greg is almost on his way home.
My kids are great and my house is great and my hubby is WONDERFUL but I just wonder sometimes what it is that is causing the craziness...if someone knows...please fill me in so I can fix it!!!! I don't think it's me but I've been wrong before. I don't think it's the weather...I don't think it's the paint colors either...I just don't know what it is! It could be life with 2 boys and a baby girl, 2 dogs and a house that needs to be cleaned (too bad they don't have self-cleaning houses on the market yet!). I am betting on the last option but who knows! :) One of life's great mysteries!
Aaaahhhh...peace. Any bets on how long it will last? We are currently at 10 minutes and counting!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Too Funny to Keep to Myself!
Now, you might be thinking, why is this so funny (as the title implies!)??? Well, when I walked back into the room, Daniel was looking at his pants and saying "Zip! Zip! Where's zip????" :) HILARIOUS! The poor boy was looking for his zipper and couldn't find it because he had put his pants on backwards! He was thoroughly confused by the missing zipper and got very upset with me when I took the pants off to turn them around.
The good news is that we are now obviously on our way to being able to dress ourselves! :) This was the first time that he had really gotten the pants on all by all we have to do is work on getting them on the right direction!!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The New Obsession!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Month Has Gone By....
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
I want to especially say Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Greg's mom, and our grandmas! Without you we obviously wouldn't be here but we also really appreciate all of the guidance and support that you have provided us!!!! THANK YOU!!!! We love you!
I will be back on later tonight to post more pictures and update you on everything going on around here (which really isn't too much!)! Have a great day!
Monday, May 5, 2008
How many times????
Daniel at Chris's soccer game! Everytime I took a picture of Chris playing, Daniel wanted his picture taken! :) I took a couple and this one turned out just fantastic! Daniel loves going to Chris's soccer games...he was champ about sitting and watching...I can only imagine what it will be like when he starts playing! :)