Monday, August 4, 2008

Daniel and the Haircut!

Well, it's done. The haircut that is.

I decided to cut it at home this time to avoid the embarrassing screaming that goes on anywhere we go. Some of my friends now know when we are at Walmart and Daniel is getting his haircut because they can hear him screaming from almost any given point in the store...sad.

Well, I took the process slowly...I talked about it a TON in the morning! Come dinner time I decided it was time so I pulled the clippers out and showed them to him...this promptly started him fussing at me. This caused me to make something funny out of the situation. I told him it tickled...I touched the guard to my hand and then jumped like it really tickled...I even got Greg and Chris in on the act until Daniel finally thought he wanted to see what this was all about.

When I touched the guard to his hand he started laughing!!! We slowly progressed to the clippers touching his head so that he could see how it tickled his head! Finally, he was ready for a haircut...he still fussed at me the whole time and wanted to be done...but there was no screaming and he actually sat in the seat by himself (he usually has to sit on someone's lap during this process!!!!).

The most amazing part??? The next day Greg pulled out his beard trimmer to see if he could get around Daniel's ears and the back of his neck (two very sensitive places that he didn't want me to touch the day before!) and he let Greg...he actually turned his head and told Greg to do the other side!!!! AMAZING!!!!

Perhaps we are making progress!!!! YEAH!!!

I will keep you posted on this development!

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

Yay, go Daniel!!!!! (and mom and dad for getting it done!)

I've witnessed one of the said Wal-Mart haircuts....and it is really best for everyone involved if you can do it with less stress to poor Daniel....poor baby!! :-)

Good for you on the tickle thing, Daniel loves to "tickle tickle" smart thinking!!!!