Thursday, August 21, 2008

The First and Second Day!

So I completely missed the boat yesterday and didn't blog about Chris's first day of kindergarten....what a mom I am! :) But here I am blogging about his first AND his second...yeah! :)

Yesterday was the day. I cried when he got on the bus and he looked absolutely terrified...but all ended well! He got off of the bus after school just grinning from ear to ear and declared that yesterday was wonderful! :) He loves his teacher, his classroom, and his school. What more could you ask for?

Today was just as great. He was slightly upset because he didn't have time to finish his lunch but never fear...he finished it as a snack after school!

I have pictures from yesterday and I will get them off the camera tonight and post them for all to see!

As for me...I survived! They've been pretty good days...just tough to adjust.

Hope today was a good one for everyone! More later on!

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