Thursday, June 5, 2008

My House and the Toy Tornado....

I realized just now that I hadn't blogged today. Not that I am feeling the NEED to say anything too terribly important and nothing is really weighing on my mind at the moment and nothing too exciting happened today but I've been on such a blogging streak lately that I don't want to break it! So here is a very boring blog about my house and my toy tornado solution....feel free to stop reading now if you want...I wouldn't blame you! :)

So my house looks like a Toy Tornado came through! I'm in the process of going through toys and donating some to local places and just plain getting rid of some that are missing pieces or are broken. The boys' room is a MESS. They have toys everywhere, books everywhere and as much as they try to put things back where they belong, we just aren't there yet! So I'm reorganizing to make things easier. Here is my plan:

* All books - on the shelves in the basement.
* All toys - on the shelves or in the toybox - in the basement.
* All coloring books - in the desk - in the basement.
* All crayons, markers, pens, and pencils - in the basement.

See a theme? I'm very excited about my theme! :) They are each going to have some bins in their room to keep toys in upstairs...things that are important to them such as Daniel's trains and Chris's Transformers but other than that...BASEMENT! :) I love having a playroom is great! I'm hoping that soon we will be spending more time downstairs as a family where the boys (and one day Kate) can play, I can scrapbook and Greg can do whatever he would like or the boys can play while we watch a movie. We finished our basement so that we had the space to do that but mostly we've still been hanging out upstairs!

So the Toy Tornado plan won't be complete for a couple of days but I've started on it. Most of their books are downstairs, have been sorted through and are now on the shelves and most of their toys are on the way downstairs. We still have to work through which ones will be able to stay upstairs and we are waiting for more bins from St. Louis but hopefully in the end their room will be neater and they will be able to find things! :)

So for the rest of the night I will be cleaning to get ready for my friends and their kiddos to come over in the morning which won't take long because I've been pretty good about keeping up on the basic housekeeping stuff. Then my plan is to watch some more LOST...I'm almost through Season One and my goal is to be done by the end of the weekend! :)

So that is my story about my house and the Toy Tornado...

Have a good night! I will post some pictures tomorrow! I took some great ones of Chris feeding Kate tonight...I just haven't gotten them off of the camera yet! :)

1 comment:

Diane Melvin said...

An idea for your crayons and markers that you probably already know. Use wipe containers. I've started keeping some of Lydia's blocks and stuff sorted in them and it works great. They also stack nicely.