Sunday, June 1, 2008

What a Day!

So today was the first day that we actually accomplished things as an organized family of five! :) We have been a family of five for what...7 weeks and 2 days (but who's counting!) and I have never felt like we have made it out of the house in an organized manner whatsoever! We are never all ready to go at the same time, we always forget something in the house so one of us has to run back in and there is usually much stress involved! :) But this morning we woke up a little late for church but today we managed to make it out of the house at 9:15 and make it to church before the service started. Everyone ate breakfast (including Kate), everyone was dressed, the diaper bag was packed and everyone was still in a great mood when we left! YEAH!

I just have to say that I feel quite accomplished at the moment...yeah it's taken us 7 weeks to finally function normally as a family of 5 but at least we did it, right? :) We finally have the zone defense thing down! :) Well, for today at least!

Have a great evening! Pictures will be coming soon!



Nichole Conner said...

Yay, good for you!!! I knew you could do it!!!! :-)

Kisses to the munchkins from me!!!

Andrea said...

I can only imagine the chaos! (Good chaos, but chaos none-the-less)

We can't ever get out the door on time anymore either and I only have two of them.

I am just chuckling reading this post, because I know exactly what you mean ; )

Andrea said...

PS - I didn't take both boys out of the house at the same time until Owen was almost 4 mths old....