Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today I truly feel like it's summer! We woke up a little later, we lounged around the house, ate a late breakfast, and we went to one of the city's wading pools with friends to eat lunch, swim and play. Of course the bummer was that Greg was in Columbia for most of this but was fantastic! :) We were thrilled when he got back early and joined us at the park! And to top it all off, the weather was PERFECT! Not hot, not humid and sticky...just nice and comfortable enough for the kids to play in the water and us to sit in the shade and chat!

Today is what summer is all about for me...hanging out with friends, swimming, playing outside, sleeping in, eating outside, doing what we feel like doing, when we feel like doing it even if that means letting the kiddos stay up extra late! :) The best part is when we can do these things with friends and family which we were lucky enough to do today! :) The down side is that tomorrow night it's back to an earlier bedtime, etc. so that Chris can pull himself out of bed to go to summer school. Only 13 more days left and then we are done with that as well! He is truly enjoying himself and has met a lot of new people! :)

On a side note, we have some YEAH news! :) Daniel stayed dry all day yesterday (well, ok...until 4:00 but STILL!) and he was so proud of himself! We are on track to do that today as well which makes mommy a very happy lady!

We also discovered yesterday that Chris has a SECOND loose tooth! His grandma actually discovered I said the other day...when it rains, it pours! :)

Kate is doing great...we had a rough couple of days after her shots but since then she has calmed back down and been our very happy baby! :) Whew! Thank goodness I have been blessed with kiddos who aren't colicky or anything like that...someone somewhere has been watching out for me!

Well, I just wanted to update since it had been....well, ok...a whole day! :) Thanks for stopping by and I will post some pool pictures later tonight! Enjoy this wonderful summer day! :)

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